Control Panel Commands

You may control BestCrypt system using the following interface elements:

Right-click menu

Right-click menu in the right pane of the BestCrypt Control Panel

If you right-click the string (or icon) that describes a Container in the right panel, the menu will contain the following commands:

If you right-click an empty space in the Container List panel, the menu will contain the following commands:

Right-click menu in the left pane of the BestCrypt Control Panel

If you right-click the string with the regular disk description, the pop-up menu will contain the following commands:

If you right-click the string with the BestCrypt virtual drive description, the menu will contain the following commands:

Toolbar buttons

The following picture shows the functionality of toolbar buttons.

 BestCrypt Control Panel toolbar

Menu items

The BestCrypt Control Panel menu consists of the following submenus:






This menu item allows running an utility embedded to BestCrypt. If you have not installed some utility, it will be grayed out. Full list of available utilities is:

See also: